Beginner Question: 3D Models

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at
Wed Jun 19 09:57:42 EDT 2013

On 19 June 2013 14:14,  <andrewblundon at> wrote:
> This sounds similar to what I might want. So you know of any online tutorials for this?

It's hard to tell what you're referring to since you haven't included
any quoted context in your message (like I have above). I'll assume
you're referring to what Fábio said.

I've already posted the link to the py2exe tutorial (I assume Fábio
used py2exe since nothing else was specified).

The legal issue I mentioned is precisely about the .dll files that
Fábio referred to. The reason that py2exe (and similar projects) do
not bundle these into the .exe is because it normally isn't legal to
distribute these files. From the tutorial:
you need to check redist.txt within your Visual Studio installation to
see whether you have the legal right to redistribute this DLL. If you
do have these rights, then you have the option to bundle the C runtime
DLL with you application.


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