Why is regex so slow?

Johannes Bauer dfnsonfsduifb at gmx.de
Tue Jun 18 14:10:16 EDT 2013

On 18.06.2013 19:20, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Yeah, I'd try that against 3.3 before opening a performance bug. Also,
> it's entirely possible that performance is majorly different in 3.x
> anyway, on account of strings being Unicode. Definitely merits another
> look imho.

Hmmm, at least Python 3.2 seems to have the same issue. I generated test
data with:

import random
f = open("error.log", "w")
for i in range(1500000):
	q = random.randint(0, 99)
	if q == 0:
		print("ENQUEUEING: /listen/ fhsduifhsd uifhuisd hfuisd hfuihds
iufhsd", file = f)
		print("fiosdjfoi sdmfio sdmfio msdiof msdoif msdoimf oisd mfoisdm f",
file = f)

Resulting file has a size of 91530018 and md5 of
2d20c3447a0b51a37d28126b8348f6c5 (just to make sure we're on the same
page because I'm not sure the PRNG is stable across Python versions).

Testing with:

import re
pattern = re.compile(r'ENQUEUEING: /listen/(.*)')
count = 0
for line in open('error.log'):
#	if 'ENQ' not in line:
#		continue
	m = pattern.search(line)
	if m:
		count += 1

The pre-check version is about 42% faster in my case (0.75 sec vs. 1.3
sec). Curious. This is Python 3.2.3 on Linux x86_64.


>> Wo hattest Du das Beben nochmal GENAU vorhergesagt?
> Zumindest nicht öffentlich!
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