Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams

alex23 wuwei23 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 18:10:07 EDT 2013

On Jun 16, 7:29 am, lucabrasi... at gmail.com wrote:
> I get this error when I try to save .dxf files in Inkscape:
> Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
> Then it seems to recover but it doesn't really recover. It saves the files and then DraftSite won't open them. Here is what the  > thing says when Inkscape tried to fix the saving problem.

What do you mean by "Inkscape tried to fix the saving problem"?

> File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\python\Lib\encodings\__init__.py", line 123
> raise CodecRegistryError,\
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Here's a report of a similar issue with Blender (which also provides a
local install of Python under Windows):

(Sorry for the ugly url, it's a Google translation of a french
language page)

Do you have a separate installation of Python? It's possible it may be
conflicting. If you rename it's folder to something else (which will
temporarily break that install), do you still see this same issue in

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