Why 'files.py' does not print the filenames into a table format?

Nick the Gr33k support at superhost.gr
Sat Jun 15 15:51:51 EDT 2013

On 15/6/2013 10:46 μμ, Jarrod Henry wrote:
> Nick, at this point, you need to hire someone to do your work for you.

The code is completely ready.
Some detail is missing and its not printing the files as expected.

Irrelevant to my question i just noticed weird behavior about my 
pelatologio.py script which can be seen here:


The first 3 files are of my doing.
All the rest are of someone else's that managed to append entries into 
my counters database utilizing this code:


		#find the needed counter for the page URL
		cur.execute('''SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE url = %s''', page )
		data = cur.fetchone()        #URL is unique, so should only be one
		if not data:
			#first time for page; primary key is automatic, hit is defaulted
			cur.execute('''INSERT INTO counters (url) VALUES (%s)''', page )
			cID = cur.lastrowid        #get the primary key value of the new record

Does someone want to state something?

What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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