Memory usage steadily going up while pickling objects

Giorgos Tzampanakis giorgos.tzampanakis at
Sat Jun 15 05:37:00 EDT 2013

On 2013-06-15, Peter Otten wrote:

> Giorgos Tzampanakis wrote:
>> I have a program that saves lots (about 800k) objects into a shelve
>> database (I'm using sqlite3dbm for this since all the default python dbm
>> packages seem to be unreliable and effectively unusable, but this is
>> another discussion).
>> The process takes about 10-15 minutes. During that time I see memory usage
>> steadily rising, sometimes resulting in a MemoryError. Now, there is a
>> chance that my code is keeping unneeded references to the stored objects,
>> but I have debugged it thoroughly and haven't found any.
>> So I'm beginning to suspect that the pickle module might be keeping an
>> internal cache of objects being pickled. Is this true?
> Pickler/Unpickler objects use a cache to maintain object identity, but at 
> least shelve in the standard library uses a new Pickler/Unpickler for each 
> set/get operation. 
> I don't have sqlite3dbm, but you can try the following:
>>>> import shelve
>>>> class A: pass
> ... 
>>>> a = A()
>>>> s ="tmp.shelve")
>>>> s["x"] = s["y"] = a
>>>> s["x"] is s["y"]
> False

This returns False in my case.

> If you are getting True there must be a cache. One way to enable a cache 
> yourself is writeback:

No, I haven't enabled writeback.

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