Must we include urllib just to decode a URL-encoded string, when using Requests?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Jun 13 09:05:20 EDT 2013

I am using the Requests module to access remote URLs. Sometimes I need
to URL-decode or URL-encode a string (via RFC 3986). Must I import
urllib or urllib2 just to use their quote() and unquote() methods?
Does not Requests have such an ability, and perhaps I just cannot find

On Stack Overflow [1] I found this wonderful function:
def unquote(url):
  return re.compile('%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})',re.M).sub(lambda m:
chr(int(,16)), url)

I am already importing the 're' module so that is not an issue. I am
concerned, though, that this might not work for some non-ASCII
characters such as some esoteric symbols or Korean/Chinese/Japanese


Dotan Cohen

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