A certainl part of an if() structure never gets executed.

R. Michael Weylandt michael.weylandt at gmail.com
Sun Jun 16 06:42:36 EDT 2013

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Nick the Gr33k <support at superhost.gr> wrote:
> On 16/6/2013 12:22 μμ, Denis McMahon wrote:
>> For example, in Python
>> a = 6
>> b = a
>> c = 6
>> a and b point to one memory location that contains the value 6
>> c points to a different memory location that contains the value 6
> I believe you are mistaken.
> a here is not a pointer but variable,
> which is a memory location that stores value 6.
> b here is a pointer. It's value is the memory location of variable a which
> stores value 6.
> c here is just te same as a , a variable.

Actually, y'all both might be. This is a bit CPython specific and not
mandated by the language specification.

To Nikos: please don't extrapolate from the examples below. They are a
CPython (the most common implementation of the Python language)
specific detail.

a = 6; b = a; c = 6


These are all the same, indicating that they all point to the "same 6"
in memory. That's a CPython specific optimization (caching small
integers) which is not guaranteed by the language and changes between
pythons and between compiles.

For example,

a = 552315251254
b = a
c =  552315251254

a is b # True _on my machine_
a is c # False _on my machine_


Note that to compare if two names point to the same "object, you can
use the "is" operator.

a is b
c is a


>>> A pointer = a variable that has as a value a memory address a variable =
>>> a memory address that has as a value the actual value we want to store.
>> These are really C terms, not Python terms. Stop thinking that C is
>> behaving like Python.
> I think it behaves the same way, but lets here from someone else too.

I understand the Greeks invented democracy and all that, but facts
aren't subject to it.

> Whats the difference of "interpreting " to "compiling" ?

If only it could be googled.... Alas, no one has ever written anything
about technology on the internet. Ironic that...


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