py_compile vs. built-in compile, with __future__

Terry Jan Reedy tjreedy at
Mon Jun 10 16:59:35 EDT 2013

On 6/10/2013 11:33 AM, dhyams wrote:
> The built-in compile() function has a "flags" parameter that one can
> use to influence the "__future__" mechanism. However,
> py_compile.compile, which I'm using to byte-compile code, doesn't
> have an equivalent means to do this.

That flag was added to compile bacause it is needed to compile 
expressions and single statements, whether in string or ast form, that 
use future syntax. It is impossible to include a future statement with 
either. It is not needed for compiling multiple statements.

> Is this by design, or would this be considered a bug?

Design, not needed.

> import __future__
> py_compile.compile("",flags=__future__.CO_FUTURE_DIVISION)

Put the future statement inside just as you would do if 
running it from the command line. Notice that there is no command-line 
future flag either.


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