A few questiosn about encoding

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at rece.vub.ac.be
Mon Jun 17 02:49:44 EDT 2013

Op 15-06-13 02:28, Cameron Simpson schreef:
> On 14Jun2013 15:59, Nikos as SuperHost Support <support at superhost.gr> wrote:
> | So, a numeral = a string representation of a number. Is this correct?
> No, a numeral is an individual digit from the string representation of a number.
> So: 65 requires two numerals: '6' and '5'.
Wrong context. A numeral as an individual digit is when you are talking about
individual characters in a font. In such a context the set of glyphs that
represent a digit are the numerals.

However in a context of programming, numerals in general refer to the set of
strings that represent a number.


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