Don't feed the troll... (was: Re: A few questiosn about encoding)

Grant Edwards invalid at invalid.invalid
Fri Jun 14 15:40:10 EDT 2013

On 2013-06-14, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 3:13 AM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain <darcy at> wrote:
>> The answer is to always make sure that you include the previous poster
>> in the reply as a Cc or To.  I filter out any email that has the string
>> "support at" in a header so I would also filter out the
>> replies if people would follow that simple rule.
>> I have suggested this before but the push back I get is that then
>> people would get two copies of the email, one to them and one to the
>> list.  My answer is simple.  Get a proper email system that filters out
>> duplicates.  Is there an email client out there that does not have this
>> facility?
> The main downside to that is not the first response, to
> somebody at somewhere and python-list, but the subsequent ones. Do you
> include everyone's addresses? And if so, how do they then get off the
> list? (This is a serious consideration. I had some very angry people
> asking me to unsubscribe them from a (private) mailman list I run, but
> they weren't subscribed at all - they were being cc'd.)

I think the answer is to automatically kill all threads stared by

Unfortunately, I don't know if that's possible in most newsreaders.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! A dwarf is passing out
                                  at               somewhere in Detroit!

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