Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)

nagia.retsina at nagia.retsina at
Sun Jun 9 01:09:57 EDT 2013

Τη Σάββατο, 8 Ιουνίου 2013 9:47:53 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Chris Angelico έγραψε:

> Fortunately, Python lets us hide away pretty much all those details, 
> just as it lets us hide away the details of what makes up a list, a
> dictionary, or an integer. You can safely assume that the string "foo"
> is a string of three characters, which you can work with as
> characters. The chr() and ord() functions let you switch between
> characters and numbers, and str.encode() and bytes.decode() let you
> switch between characters and byte sequences. Once you get your head
> around the differences between those three, it all works fairly
> neatly.

I'm trying too!


chr('A') would give me the mapping of this char, the number 65 while
ord(65) would output the char 'A' likewise.

>and str.encode() and bytes.decode() let you switch between characters and byte >sequences. Once

What would happen if we we try to re-encode bytes on the disk?
like trying:

s = "νίκος"
utf8_bytes = s.encode('utf-8')
greek_bytes = utf_bytes.encode('iso-8869-7')

Can we re-encode twice or as many times we want and then decode back respectively lke?

utf8_bytes = greek_bytes.decode('iso-8859-7')
s = utf8_bytes.decoce('utf-8')

Is somethign like that totally crazy?

And also is there a deiffrence between "encoding" and "compressing" ?

Isnt the latter useing some form of encoding to take a string or bytes to make hold less space on disk?

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