Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)

Νικόλαος Κούρας nikos.gr33k at
Thu Jun 6 08:04:09 EDT 2013

First of all thank you for helping me MRAB.
After make some alternation to your code ia have this:

# Give the path as a bytestring so that we'll get the filenames as bytestrings
path = b"/home/nikos/public_html/data/apps/" 

# Setting TESTING to True will make it print out what renamings it will do, but not actually do them

# Walk through the files. 
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( path ): 
	for filename in files: 
			# Is this name encoded in UTF-8? 
		except UnicodeDecodeError: 
			# Decoding from UTF-8 failed, which means that the name is not valid UTF-8
			# It appears that the filenames are encoded in ISO-8859-7, so decode from that and re-encode to UTF-8
			new_filename = filename.decode('iso-8859-7').encode('utf-8') 

			old_path = os.path.join(root, filename) 
			new_path = os.path.join(root, new_filename)
			if TESTING:
				print( '''<br>Will rename {!r} ---> {!r}<br><br>'''.format( old_path, new_path ) )
				print( '''<br>Renaming {!r} ---> {!r}<br><br>'''.format( old_path, new_path ) )
				os.rename( old_path, new_path )

and the output can be seen here:

We are in test mode so i dont know if when renaming actually take place what the encodings will be.

Shall i switch off test mode and try it for real?

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