Cross-Platform Python3 Equivalent to notify-send

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick kwpolska at
Sat Jul 27 07:30:23 EDT 2013

On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Devyn Collier Johnson
<devyncjohnson at> wrote:
> Linux systems with the proper software can use the "notify-send" command. Is
> there a cross-platform Python3 equivalent?
> Mahalo,
> Devyn Collier Johnson
> DevynCJohnson at
> --

You already asked this on Thursday.  And the answer is probably “no”.  Creating

Under X11-based systems, you would have to call the dbus notification
APIs and pray that the user has something to handle it running (KDE,
GNOME Shell, XFCE4’s notification daemon).  Under Mac OS X 10.7 and
further, you need to work with some system APIs, and that may not be
easy, but possible (eg. for

But Windows?  GOOD LUCK!  The following options exist, none of which
is easy to implement, and one of which is not usable with most

a) Toast Notifications in Windows 8/Server 2012, which is not a
   popular platform and may require quite a lot of magic in terms of
   coding and else (VS2012);
b) Create a tray icon and do a balloon (2000 and up?, definitely in XP);
c) Create your very own Windows toast notifications framework.

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <>
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