what thread-synch mech to use for clean exit from a thread

zhangweiwu at realss.com zhangweiwu at realss.com
Sun Jul 14 22:32:52 EDT 2013

On Monday, July 15, 2013 10:27:45 AM UTC+8, Gildor Oronar wrote:
> What is the professional way in this case?

Hi. I am not a professional neither but I think a professional does this:

class CurrencyExchange():
    def __init__(in_case_callback):
       this.callback = in_case_callback
    def __run__():
       while time.time() - self.rate_timestamp < 5*3600:
          ... # update exchange rate
          if success:
             self.rate_timestamp == time.time()

def main():

    agio = CurrencyExchange(in_case = callback)
    while agio.is_alive():

Notice even if agio is no longer alive, it can still supply exchange rate for the last delicate_thing, only that it no longer updates punctually. This is semantic wrong, and I think it is the fault of python: how can something dead execute its method? In the API, thread.is_alive() should be renamed to thread.is_activate_and_on_his_own()

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