Simple recursive sum function | what's the cause of the weird behaviour?

Russel Walker russ.pobox at
Sun Jul 7 12:44:42 EDT 2013

I got it! One of the testcases was wrong,

    ([[1], [1]],            [1],    [1, 1]),

should be

    ([[1], [1]],            [1],    [1, 1, 1]),

And the working solution.

def supersum(sequence, start=0):
    result = start
    start = type(start)()
    for item in sequence:
            item = supersum(item, start)
        except TypeError:
            result = result + item
        except TypeError:
            return result + sequence
    return result

I couldn't yet get around doing type(start)() and it's pretty messy, but anyways...

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