Geo Location extracted from visitors ip address

Νίκος Gr33k nikos at
Sat Jul 6 16:14:29 EDT 2013

Στις 6/7/2013 2:20 μμ, ο/η Tim Chase έγραψε:
> 1) using the aforementioned HTML5 location API, your device may be
> tattling on where you are.  Are you browsing from a smart-phone or
> other device with a GPS built in?

I'm using my lenovo laptop, by, fb and twitter have no 
problem pionpoint my exact location, even postal code.

How do they do it?

Can you be more specific please about using the aforementioned HTML5 
location API ?

Never heard of it. Can it be utilizized via a python cgi script?

What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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