Using filepath method to identify an .html page

Ferrous Cranus nikos.gr33k at
Tue Jan 22 08:57:13 EST 2013

Τη Τρίτη, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2013 3:04:41 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Steven D'Aprano έγραψε:

> What do you expect int("my-web-page.html") to return? Should it return 23 
> or 794 or 109432985462940911485 or 42?

I expected a unique number from the given string to be produced so i could have a (number <=> string) relation. What does int( somestring ) is returning really? i don;t have IDLE to test.

> Just tell your database to make the file name an indexed field, and it 
> will handle giving every path a unique number for you. You can then 
> forget all about that unique number, because it is completely irrelevant 
> to you, and safely use the path while the database treats it in the 
> fastest and most efficient fashion necessary.

This will work on a shared hosting enviroment, so absolutes paths are BIG and expected like this:


In addition to that my script maintains details in a database table that stores information for each and every webpage requested.

My 'visitors' database has 2 tables:

pin --- page ---- hits     (that's to store general information for all html pages)

pin <-refers to-> page

pin ---- host ---- hits ---- useros ---- browser ---- date   (that's to store detailed information for all html pages)

(thousands of records to hold every page's information)

'pin' has to be a number because if i used the column 'page' instead, just imagine the database's capacity withholding detailed information for each and every .html requested by visitors!!!

So i really - really need to associate a (4-digit integer <=> htmlpage's absolute path)

Maybe it can be done by creating a MySQL association between the two columns, but i dont know how such a thing can be done(if it can).

So, that why i need to get a "unique" number out of a string. please help.

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