Storing class objects dynamically in an array

Brian D briandenzer at
Mon Jan 21 20:56:58 EST 2013


I'm trying to instantiate a class object repeated times, dynamically for as many times as are required, storing each class object in a container to later write out to a database. It kind of looks like what's needed is a two-dimensional class object, but I can't quite conceptualize how to do that. 

A simpler approach might be to just store class objects in a dictionary, using a reference value (or table row number/ID) as the key. 

In the real-world application, I'm parsing row, column values out of a table in a document which will have not more than about 20 rows, but I can't expect the document output to leave columns well-ordered. I want to be able to call the class objects by their respective row number.

A starter example follows, but it's clear that only the last instance of the class is stored. 

I'm not quite finding what I want from online searches, so what recommendations might Python users make for the best way to do this? 

Maybe I need to re-think the approach? 


class Car(object):

    def __init__(self, Brand, Color, Condition):
        self.Brand = Brand
        self.Color = Color
        self.Condition = Condition

brandList = ['Ford', 'Toyota', 'Fiat']
colorList = ['Red', 'Green', 'Yellow']
conditionList = ['Excellent', 'Good', 'Needs Help']

usedCarLot = {}

for c in range(0, len(brandList)):
    print c, brandList[c]
    usedCarLot[c] = Car
    usedCarLot[c].Brand = brandList[c]
    usedCarLot[c].Color = colorList[c]
    usedCarLot[c].Condition = conditionList[c]

for k, v in usedCarLot.items():
    print k, v.Brand, v.Color, v.Condition

0 Ford
1 Toyota
2 Fiat
0 Fiat Yellow Needs Help
1 Fiat Yellow Needs Help
2 Fiat Yellow Needs Help

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