Struggling with program

Dave Angel davea at
Sun Feb 17 21:49:32 EST 2013

On 02/17/2013 09:29 PM, maiden129 wrote:

First question:  What version of Python are you writing this for? 
Version 2.x has slightly different rules than version 3.x

> I'm trying to do this assignment and it not working, I don't understand why...

Define "working."  Do you mean you get a syntax error when you try to 
run it?  If so, then post the full traceback, which will point to the 
location of the error, (or sometimes the next line or two).

> This is what I have to do:
> Write the definition of a class  Player containing:
> An instance variable  name of type  String , initialized to the empty String.
> An instance variable  score of type  int , initialized to zero.
> A method called  set_name that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable  name .
> A method called  set_score that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable  score .
> A method called  get_name that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable  name .
> A method called  get_score that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable  score .
>   No constructor need be defined.
> Here is my code:
> class Player:

If this is Python 2.x, then you want to derive from object, not just 
make a standalone class.

> 	name = ''

Have you read the Python tutorial page at:
That's assuming you're writing for Python 2.7.

python doesn't have instance variables, they're called instance data 
attributes.  Have you defined name as an instance attribute, or a class 

> 	def __init__(self,score = 0)

Without a colon, this is a syntax error.
And without a body, it's another syntax error.
> 	def set_name (self):

Where is the parameter to hold the new name?


This references the instance attribute, but doesn't modify it.
> 	def set_score (self):
> 		self.score
> 	def get_name

No parens, no parameters, no colon.

		return name
> 	def  get_score


> 		return score
> can someone please help me?


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