Glade + GTK.Builder() | Missing Handlers | Handler for multiple objects

ciscorucinski at ciscorucinski at
Fri Feb 8 17:40:53 EST 2013

Here is my code in PasteBin...

If you go to the very bottom of the paste, you will see the error messages that I get, but here it is again.

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Users\rucinskic\Dropbox\SeniorDesign\cflat\frontend\", line 287
    self.builder.connect_signals( event_dictionary )
RuntimeWarning: missing handler 'on_mnuHelp_activate'

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Users\rucinskic\Dropbox\SeniorDesign\cflat\frontend\", line 287
    self.builder.connect_signals( event_dictionary )
RuntimeWarning: missing handler 'on_mnuRecord_activate'

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Users\rucinskic\Dropbox\SeniorDesign\cflat\frontend\", line 287
    self.builder.connect_signals( event_dictionary )
RuntimeWarning: missing handler 'on_mnuEdit_activate'

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Users\rucinskic\Dropbox\SeniorDesign\cflat\frontend\", line 287
    self.builder.connect_signals( event_dictionary )
RuntimeWarning: missing handler 'on_mnuFile_activate'

If you look near the bottom of the paste, you will also see code like... commented out, and one not. If I uncomment that one, then dlgAbout is shown, but the one that I don't have commented out will NEVER work...that goes for all of the handler functions? Why is that?

Also, why am I getting those warning messages? I am trying to connect multiple menu items to one handler (like all File menu items will go to the "on_mnuFile_activate" handler).

In Glade, I am setting the GtkMenuItem's activate signal to go to the "on_xxx_active" handler (on_mnuFile_active)

Does anyone understand what is going wrong?


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