Opinion on best practice...

Ulrich Eckhardt ulrich.eckhardt at dominolaser.com
Tue Feb 5 02:56:36 EST 2013

Am 05.02.2013 05:14, schrieb Anthony Correia:
> I need to pick up a language that would cover the Linux platform.  I use Powershell for a scripting language on the Windows side of things.  Very simple copy files script.  Is this the best way to do it?
> import os
>      objdir = ("C:\\temp2")

Drop the parens here.

>      colDir = os.listdir(objdir)
>      for f in colDir:
>          activefile = os.path.join(objdir + "\\" + f)

The point of os.path.join is exactly that you don't have to spell out 
the system-specific file separator. In this case, it gets called with a 
single string, which it return as-is.

>          print ("Removing " + activefile + " from " + objdir)

Instead of using + to concat strings, use the format() functionn:

    "removing {} from {}".format(activefile, objdir)

Also, if you are using Python 2, print is a statement, not a function, 
so you could drop the parens here, too. I would not recommend that 
though! Instead, "from __future__ import print_function" and keep using 
print() as a function, just like in Python 3.

In general, I would not have stored the result of os.listdir() in a 
separate variable but iterated over it directly. For large dirs, it 
could also be better to use os.path.walk(), because that doesn't first 
build a list and then iterate over the list but iterates over the single 
elements directly. This avoids the memory allocation overhead, although 
it is unlikely to make a difference in this case and a Premature 

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