Installing Python from sources with all the modules

shankha shankhabanerjee at
Mon Dec 16 20:55:47 EST 2013

I am trying to install Python 3.3 from the latest sources on linux.

After the installation when I try to run the following I get a error:

   Python 3.3.3 (default, Dec 16 2013, 18:28:25)
   [GCC 4.8.2 20131017 (Red Hat 4.8.2-1)] on linux
   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
   >>> import ssl
   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
     File "/home/shankha/Python-git/Python3-3/Python-3.3.3/Lib/",line
   60, in <module>
       import _ssl             # if we can't import it, let the error
   ImportError: No module named '_ssl'

Is there a way while installing from sources I enable all modules to be

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