Possible PEP Submission

Logan Collins logan.neal.collins at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 15:36:17 EST 2013

Just checking whether 1) a PEP is the proper place for this and 2) what
y'all think about it.

I would like to propose a change to the the 're' standard library to
support iterables.

So, something like the following would work:

import re
text = """hello user
hello user
hello user"""

users = ["Bob", "Alice", "Jeffery"]

newtext = re.sub("user", users, text)

# newtext = "hello Bob\nhello Alice\nhello Jeffery"

There are a few corner cases I'm not sure what would be the best behavior.
Nor am I entirely certain this should be modified functionality or just...
a new function. What do y'all think?

---Logan Collins

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