split lines from stdin into a list of unicode strings

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Thu Aug 29 05:12:59 EDT 2013

kurt.alfred.mueller at gmail.com wrote:

> On Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:13:36 PM UTC+2, Dave Angel wrote:
>> On 28/8/2013 04:32, Kurt Mueller wrote:
>> > For some text manipulation tasks I need a template to split lines
>> > from stdin into a list of strings the way shlex.split() does it.
>> > The encoding of the input can vary.
>> Does that mean it'll vary from one run of the program to the next, or
>> it'll vary from one line to the next?  Your code below assumes the
>> latter.  That can greatly increase the unreliability of the already
>> dubious chardet algorithm.
> The encoding only varies from one launch to the other.
> The reason I process each line is memory usage.
> Option to have a better reliability of chardet:
> I could read all of the input, save the input lines for further
> processing in a list, feed the lines into
> chardet.universaldetector.UniversalDetector.feed()/close()/result()
> and then decode and split/shlex the lines in the list.
> That way the chardet oracle would be more reliable, but
> roughly twice as much memory will be used.

You can compromise and read ahead a limited number of lines. Here's my demo 
script (The interesting part is detect_encoding(), I got a bit distracted by 
unrelated stuff...). The script does one extra decode/encode cycle -- it 
should be easy to avoid that if you run into performance issues.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import shlex
import chardet
from itertools import islice, chain

def detect_encoding(instream, encoding, detect_lines):
    if encoding is None:
        encoding = instream.encoding
        if encoding is None:
            head = list(islice(instream, detect_lines))
            encoding =  chardet.detect("".join(head))["encoding"]
            instream = chain(head, instream)
    return encoding, instream

def split_line(line, comments=True, posix=True):
    parts = shlex.split(line.encode("utf-8"),
                        comments=comments, posix=posix)
    return [part.decode("utf-8") for part in parts]

def to_int(s):
    >>> to_int(" 42")
    >>> to_int("-1") is None
    >>> to_int(" NONE ") is None
    >>> to_int("none") is None
    >>> to_int(" 0x400  ")
    s = s.lower().strip()
    if s in {"none", "-1"}: return None
    return int(s, 16 if s.startswith("0x") else 10)

def main():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-e", "--encoding")
        "-d", "--detect-lines", type=to_int, default=100,
        help=("number of lines used to determine encoding; "
              "'none' or -1 for whole file. (default: 100)"))
    args = parser.parse_args()

    encoding, instream = detect_encoding(
        encoding=args.encoding, detect_lines=args.detect_lines)
    lines = (line.decode(encoding) for line in instream)

    for line in lines:
            parts = split_line(line)
        except ValueError as exc:
            print >> sys.stderr, exc
            print parts

if __name__ == "__main__":

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