Conversion Issue in Converting code of 2.7 to 3

shankha shankhabanerjee at
Fri Aug 23 22:10:51 EDT 2013

I am trying to run the following piece of code:

python Krakatau/ minimal.j.

The scripts are written for 2.7. I want to convert them to 3.3.

I am struck with the following error:

[]$ python Krakatau/ minimal.j
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Krakatau/", line 4, in <module>
    from Krakatau.assembler import tokenize, parse, assembler

  File "c:\tmp\ByteCode\Krakatau\Krakatau\assembler\", line
3, in <module>
    from ..classfile import ClassFile
  File "c:\tmp\ByteCode\Krakatau\Krakatau\", line 1, in <module>

    from . import constant_pool, method, field
  File "c:\tmp\ByteCode\Krakatau\Krakatau\", line 10
    def decodeStr((s,)):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The code where this error originates from:

def decodeStr((s,)):
    return s.replace('\xc0\x80','\0').decode('utf8'),

I looked at but I couldn't
figure out where

I am going wrong?

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