Running a command line program and reading the result as it runs

Rob Wolfe rw at
Thu Aug 22 17:14:26 EDT 2013

Ian Simcock <Ian.Simcock at> writes:

> Greetings all.
> I'm using Python 2.7 under Windows and am trying to run a command line
> program and process the programs output as it is running. A number of
> web searches have indicated that the following code would work.
> import subprocess
> p = subprocess.Popen("D:\Python\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe list -o",
>                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
>                      stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
>                      bufsize=1,
>                      universal_newlines=True,
>                      shell=False)
> for line in p.stdout:
>     print line
> When I use this code I can see that the Popen works, any code between
> the Popen and the for will run straight away, but as soon as it gets
> to the for and tries to read p.stdout the code blocks until the
> command line program completes, then all of the lines are returned.
> Does anyone know how to get the results of the program without it blocking?

When file object is used in a for loop it works like an iterator
and then it uses a hidden read-ahead buffer. 
It might cause this kind of blocking.
You can read more details here (description of method ``next``):

So basically non-blocking loop might look like this:

while True:
    line = p.stdout.readline()
    if not line: break
    print line


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