back with more issues

Kris Mesenbrink krismesenbrink at
Mon Aug 12 02:57:33 EDT 2013

import random

class player():
    hp = 10
    attack = random.randint(0,5)

class monster():
    hp = 10
    attack = random.randint(0,4)

def battle():
    print ("a wild mosnter appered!")
    print ("would you like to battle?")
    answer = input()
    if answer == ("yes"):
        while monster.hp >=0:
            print ("you do", player.attack, "damage")
            monster.hp -= player.attack
            print (monster.hp)
    elif answer == ("no"):
        print ("you run away")
        print("you stand there")


Hello! just wanted to show you guys how its coming together, im starting to understand it abit more (hopefully it's right) at the moment it seems to only roll the attack once and uses that value but that's another issue all together that i bother you with (yet anyway).

thanks again guys you are awesome

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