Am I not seeing the Error?

Ned Batchelder ned at
Mon Aug 12 16:35:45 EDT 2013

On 8/12/13 4:16 PM, Devyn Collier Johnson wrote:
> On 08/12/2013 12:56 PM, Joel Goldstick wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Roy Smith <roy at> wrote:
>>> I can't quite sort out the multiple quoting levels, but somebody said:
>>>>>> Programming like that is called trolling. A programmer that uses
>>>>>> trolling is called a troll. A troll can also refer to such a line
>>>>>> of code itself. My scripts contain a lot of trolls. It is easier
>>>>>> for me to read trolls than "typical" coding styles.
>>> Please tell me this is all just an elaborate joke.
>> I was thinking something similar Roy.  Devyn, you may think you code
>> differently, but you don't.  You have a half of dozen people trying to
>> show you how your style causes confusion between what you think you
>> are writing and what you actually coded.  There is plenty of room in
>> coding for personal expression, but what you call 'trolling' is not
>> that.  If you like semicolons, use another language that needs them.
>> I think you think it is some version of premature optimization. Since
>> you are a novice at the language, stick with the standards, and learn
>> to embrace them.  Ultimately standard coding styles has nothing to do
>> with code optimization.  It has to do with readability. Although this
>> is a small example, you can see that if several people get involved
>> debugging it, the first thing that gets in the way is your
>> non-standard coding style.  If you want to code alone your whole life,
>> do as you like.  But the time spent reading and fixing code in the
>> lifetime of any useful software system is greater than the time spent
>> creating the original code.
>>> -- 
> I know using semicolons will not optimize the code, but it is actually 
> easier for me to read. I can handle such code better than spacing it out.
There's no point debating the readability of code that doesn't work.  
Get it functioning first, then let's talk about how best to format it.



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