Am I not seeing the Error?

Zachary Ware zachary.ware+pylist at
Mon Aug 12 11:37:21 EDT 2013

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Devyn Collier Johnson
<devyncjohnson at> wrote:
> Zachary, are you, Ned, and Terry trying to say the syntax should be
> job = multiprocessing.Process(func1(), func2())
> not
> job = multiprocessing.Process(func1(); func2())

Basically, yes.  The first option there is equivalent to this:

    func_returns = (func1(), func2())

    job = multiprocessing.Process(*func_returns)

The second option is equivalent to this:

    job = multiprocessing.Process(func1()


...which is actually several different syntax errors, depending on how
you look at it.  Semi-colon is only ever used in Python as a
substitute for \n-plus-some-spaces.  And, since in your original
example, your semi-colons are inside parenthesis, they really have no
effect at all due to implicit line continuation within parens.  So
your original line:

multiprocessing.Process(write2file('./mem/ENGINE_PID', ENGINEPID);
write2file(SENTEMPPATH, ''); write2file(INPUTMEM, ''));

is really:

multiprocessing.Process(write2file('./mem/ENGINE_PID', ENGINEPID)
write2file(SENTEMPPATH, '') write2file(INPUTMEM, ''))


It should be obvious now that the syntax error comes from not
separating the arguments to Process.

Trying to read between the lines a little here, I don't think you have
quite figured out how multiprocessing.Process works; that first option
above will only work if func1 returns None and func2 returns a
callable object and the second has no hope.  I think this is more
along the lines of what you're really after:

    def process_func():

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        job = multiprocessing.Process(target=process_func) # note: no
() after process_func!

I'd suggest giving the multiprocessing.Process docs [0] a good
read-through.  Keep in mind that Process is just a type like any other
(str, int, list, etc.), and calling its constructor is subject to the
same rules as any other function call.



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