Simulate `bash` behaviour using Python and named pipes.

Luca Cerone luca.cerone at
Mon Aug 5 09:09:53 EDT 2013

Hi everybody,
I am trying to understand how to use named pipes in python to launch external processes (in a Linux environment).

As an example I am trying to "imitate" the behaviour of the following sets of commands is bash:

> mkfifo named_pipe
> ls -lah > named_pipe &
> cat < named_pipe

In Python I have tried the following commands:

import os
import subprocess as sp

os.mkfifo("named_pipe",0777) #equivalent to mkfifo in bash..
fw = open("named_pipe",'w')
#at this point the system hangs...

My idea it was to use subprocess.Popen and redirect stdout to fw...
next open named_pipe for reading and giving it as input to cat (still using Popen).

I know it is a simple (and rather stupid) example, but I can't manage to make it work..

How would you implement such simple scenario?

Thanks a lot in advance for the help!!!


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