Removing matching items from a list?

Dave Angel davea at
Sat Aug 3 21:53:02 EDT 2013

kevin4fong at wrote:
> Would you also happen to know how I could set up a list that keeps track of the removed sets?

Let's see, i think that makes 5 times you've asked the same question,
counting the dups you apparently sent to the same person.

Instead of writing all these messages, could you perhaps actually write
some code?  Show us that you've learned something, and that you actually
tried to get the next answer?

Frame your question around one of the following scenarios:

Here's some code I wrote, and it doesn't work because:

  1) it gets an exception (show full traceback)
  2) it hangs
  3) it gets this answer:  show actual answer
      instead of what I expected:  show what you expected to get

And when you post the code, paste it into your message, don't point to
some temporary website.

And if you must use googlegroups, please edit your messages to hide the
bugs in googlegarbage.  Go into the message and tediously delete all the
stupid extra blank lines, because one person doing it is better than
1000 people seeing double-spaced nonsense.  Many people just won't see a
message sent from googlegroups because they filter them out.


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