Can someone suggest better resources for learning sqlite3? I wanted to use the Python library but I don't know sql.

Skip Montanaro skip at
Wed Aug 7 06:59:45 EDT 2013

> Can someone suggest me better resources for learning sql/sqlite3?

The concepts behind the Structured Query Language haven't changed much
since Edgar Codd first developed them in the 1970s.  (He received the
Turing Award in 1981 for this work.)

Building and querying databases is very easy to do very badly,
especially if you are new to its concepts.  This is a case where a
textbook might be helpful. Since these ideas have been around for a
long while, there are plenty of good books on the subject. I have one
on my desk at work whose name I can't remember off the top of my head.
 I still refer to it from time-to-time.  If you'd like a reference,
let me know and I'll check on it at work.


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