HTTPServer again

Tom P werotizy at freent.dd
Mon Apr 22 09:41:33 EDT 2013

  a few weeks back I posed a question about passing static data to a 
request server, and thanks to some useful suggestions, got it working. I 
see yesterday there is a suggestion to use a framework like Tornado 
rather than base classes. However I can't figure achieve the same effect 
using Tornado (BTW this is all python 2.7). The key point is how to 
access the server class from within do_GET, and from the server class 
instance, to access its get and set methods.

Here are some code fragments that work with HTTPServer:

class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

     def do_GET(self):
         ss = self.server
         tracks = ss.tracks
. . .
class MyWebServer(object):
     def get_params(self):
         return self.global_params
     def set_params(self, params):
         self.global_params = params
     def get_tracks(self):
         return self.tracks
     def __init__(self):
         self.global_params = ""
         self.tracks = setup_()
         myServer = HTTPServer
         myServer.tracks = self.get_tracks()
         myServer.params = self.get_params()
         self.server = myServer(('', 7878), MyHandler)
         print 'started httpserver on port 7878...'
. . . .
def main():
     aServer = MyWebServer()

if __name__ == '__main__':

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