Ubuntu package "python3" does not include tkinter

Sibylle Koczian nulla.epistola at web.de
Sat Apr 20 12:10:58 EDT 2013

Am 19.04.2013 19:42, schrieb lcrocker:
> I understand that for something like a server distribution, but Ubuntu
> is a user-focused desktop distribution. It has a GUI, always. The
> purpose of a distro like that is to give users a good experience. If I
> install Python on Windows, I get to use Python. On Ubuntu, I don't,
> and I think that will confuse some users. I recently recommended
> Python to a friend who wants to start learning programming. Hurdles
> like this don't help someone like him.

It's _so_ easy to install an additional package on Ubuntu that that 
really shouldn't be called a 'hurdle'. Using tkinter or any other GUI 
toolkit is much more difficult for a beginner.

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