OOPv2 -- Was: [Python-ideas] Reviving PEP 3140 - "str(container) should call str(item), not repr(item)"

Mark Janssen dreamingforward at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 20:29:56 EDT 2013

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Ned Batchelder <ned at nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
> Mark, so I can understand your mindset better, what do you mean by "let's
> update the OOP paradigm"?  Do you mean, 1) "let's change Python in the next
> release," or 2) "let's see if we can imagine a different way of doing
> things, even though it won't ever change the Python language in actuality,"
> or 3) something in between?

Sorry for not responding.  What I'm suggesting is an update to the OOP
paradigm -- it would affect all languages that have OOP elements.
Wikipedia suggests that there are four main types of programming
languages.  OOP language and imperative languages are the first two.
I'm suggesting a synthesis and unification of both those into single
language.  To do that will require a data/object model that makes a
single taxonomy of the data/machine architecture with the abstraction
architecture -- two ends of the spectrum.  I call it a unified data

We started on one end of the spectrum (at the machine architecture)
and then swung to an opposite extreme with OOP.  But that put us too
deep in everyone's personal data ontologies.  I'm suggesting that
something in the middle will re-build the object ecosystem from the
ground up.

> This change you mention here is fundamental enough that realistically, #2 is
> the only interpretation I can see.

You are right.  It might not be realistic given the Python developer
environment at present.   In fact, I'm moving the thread out of
python-ideas into python-list since Guido doesn't want to discuss it.

Tacoma, Washington

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