While loop help

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Tue Apr 9 13:27:52 EDT 2013

On 04/09/2013 12:57 PM, thomasancilleri at gmail.com wrote:
> I responded before I saw this message, this was very helpful so I appreciate your quick and helpful responses. So do you think prompting for a string and then checking if the string is true is a good practice for something like this? When would checking for true/false be necessary?

No, DON'T check for the string to be true, check if it matches the 
requirements.  Word the question for the user's convenience, not the 
programming language's.  Don't ask for true and false, ask "Continue?" 
and accept "Y" or "N".  Or ask "Q for quit".  Or whatever.  Make your 
comparison case-insensitive, and permit one-character responses.

continue = "y"
while continue[:1].lower() == "y":
     do some work
     continue = raw_input("Do you want to continue (y/n)?"


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