PIL questions: still supported? Problems on 2.7 for win? alternatives?

Gelonida N gelonida at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 17:43:32 EDT 2012

On 09/25/2012 02:42 PM, alex23 wrote:
> On Sep 25, 6:25 pm, Gelonida N <gelon... at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So it seems to be safe to use either Christoph' binary PIL distribution
>> or to use Pillow.
>> The fact, that pillow is accessable via PyPi / easy_install / PIP pushes
>> me slightly towards pillow.
>> I assume it's best to uninstall PIL before installing pillow.
> I would expect you'd be fine. Being a different package, it's a
> different namespace, so they shouldn't conflict.

This is what is confusing me.
if I start with a new python and I just install Pillow, then pillow is 
imported via
import PIL
so it does not seem to have a separate name space

If I had PIL and pillow installed, then I wouldn't even know how to 
choose which one to import.

>> On a Linux machine:
>> What would happen in a virtualenv with sitepackages (amonst them PIL
>> installed and a pillow installed ontop of it?
>> I don't think I can uninstall PIL, as many distro packages depend on it.
>> I don't want to create a virtualenv without site packages, as I have
>> many dependencies and some of them are a little tricky to compile.
> Again, you should be fine, as it's in a separate namespace. You
> definitely don't want to mess with PIL if you have other dependencies.

Well I'm slightly confused, but will play a little to see what exactly works

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