confused in decorate and closure

月忧茗 yueyoum at
Wed Sep 12 22:55:03 EDT 2012

HI,  I have some test code:

def num(num):
    def deco(func):
        def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
            inputed_num = num
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrap
    return deco

def test(a):
    return a + inputed_num

print test(1)

when run this code,  I got an error shows that 'inputed_num' is not defined

My question is:
In wrap function,  is there not a closure that func can got 'inputed_num' ?

Anyway, If not,  how should I do to got my aim:  Initialize some value, and
use this value directly in the main function.

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