simple client data base

Paul Rubin at nospam.invalid
Sat Sep 8 16:11:27 EDT 2012

Mark R Rivet <markrrivet at> writes:
>>ones for a few dollars. You're reading about lists, tuples, and
>>dictionary data? Great, but other home accounting businesses have
>>their client databases automatically synced with their smart-phones
>>and their time-charging and their invoicing.
> Well I have to say that this is most discouraging. I should give up
> learning to program. I don't have a chance at all. Thanks.

I think the idea is just to start with something simpler.  If you are
interested in mechanical engineering, then building an automobile from
scratch, machining all the parts yourself etc., would be an ill-advised
choice as a first project.  It's the same way with programming.

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