Comparing strings from the back?

Johannes Bauer dfnsonfsduifb at
Thu Sep 6 11:36:39 EDT 2012

On 06.09.2012 16:39, Chris Angelico wrote:

> In any case, it'll be far FAR more useful than arguing from
> totally random, or random word selection, or anything.
> Who's game?

Okay, patched against Python 3.2.3:

To invoke display of the stats, compare the string "pleasedumpstats" as
LHO, i.e.:

"pleasedumpstats" < ""

Just ran it against a big script of mine which takes the stringified
IMDb text files, parses it and dumps it into a sqlite3 database.
Surprisingly little string comparisons however (the sqlite module
without doubt uses its own routines internally). Although the database
in the end has about 2 million records, these were the stats:

strCmpEq 1017
strCmpLt 2802
strCmpGt 1633
strCmpTc 16219
strCmpCc 8570

which means 5452 comparisons of which 19% were equal and the rest inequal.

Average string length is about 2.97 characters and aborted was in
average after 1.57 characters.

Maybe someone has a test which makes heavier use of string comparison. I
don't want to make up something, however, since this is (by definition)
going to be artificial.

Best regards,

>> Wo hattest Du das Beben nochmal GENAU vorhergesagt?
> Zumindest nicht öffentlich!
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