Need help fixing this error please:NameError: global name is not defined

shaun shaun.wiseman91 at
Thu Sep 6 07:37:04 EDT 2012

Sorry guys here is the full code for the class:

# Echo client program
import cx_Oracle
import socket
import pprint
from struct import *
import sys
from binascii import *
import time
import datetime

class StringCall:
	def databasebatchcall(self,termid, batchid):
		con = cx_Oracle.connect('user/user123 at')
		cur = con.cursor()
		cur.execute("SELECT * from name)
		results = cur.fetchall()
	def fetchbatchdata(self,results):
		for row in results:
			mer = row[0].ljust(25, ' ')
			mercity = row[1].ljust(13, ' ')
			mertype = row[2]
			merloc = row[3]
			mercount = row[4]
			mersec = row[5]
			acq = row[6]
			btime = row[7].strftime('%d%m')
			bmerch = str(row[8]).rjust(12, '0')
			termcur = row[9]
			acqbank = str(row[10]).rjust(24, '0')
			termtype = row[11]
			termsoftver = row[12]
			merbatch = str(row[13]).rjust(3, '0')
			reccount = str(row[14]).rjust(9, '0')
			amounttotal = str(row[15]).rjust(16, '0')
			cashback = str(row[16]).rjust(16, '0')
			deposit = str(row[17]).rjust(16, '0')
	def createbatchstrings(self):
		BatchHeaderPacket = "\x01000\x0251.520%s00000%s000006060001%s%s%s%s0003 \x03" % (btime, bmerch, termcur, acqbank, termtype, termsoftver);
		ParameterPacket = "\x01001\x0251.5300000401%s%sIE%s%s%s00000%s%s0%s                    \x03" % (mer, mercity, mertype, merloc, termid, mercount, mersec, acq);
		TrailerPacket = "\x01003\x0251.550%s00%s%s%s%s%s00000000000\x03" % (btime, merbatch, reccount, amounttotal, cashback, deposit);

	def returnbatchheader(self):
		return BatchHeaderPacket
	def returnparameterpacket(self):
		return ParameterPacket
	def returntrailerpacket(self):
		return TrailerPacket

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