Logging handler: No output

Florian Lindner mailinglists at xgm.de
Sun Sep 2 07:12:34 EDT 2012


I have a class method that executes a subprocess. There are two loggers in the 
class, self.logger for general logging and proclog for process output (stdout 
& stderr) logging which should go to stdout and a file:    

def start_process(self, command, no_shlex=False, raise_excpt=True,
                  print_output = True, **kwargs):

    cmd = command if no_shlex else shlex.split(command)

    # Use an additional logger without formatting for process output. 
    proclog = logging.getLogger(self.config.tag)
    proclog.propagate = False # Process output should not propage to the main
    logfile = self._logfilename()

    if logfile:
    if print_output:
    self.popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0, **kwargs)
    while True:
        output = self.popen.stdout.readline().decode()
        if output == "" and self.popen.poll() != None:
    ret_code = self.popen.returncode

    self.logger.debug("%s returned with %i", command, ret_code)

But neither the FileHandler nor the StreamHandler produce any actual output. 
The file is being created but stays empty. If I use a print output in the 
while loop it works, so output is catched and the applications stdout in 
working. But why the logger proclog catching nothing?



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