py2c - an open source Python to C/C++ is looking for developers

Michael Torrie torriem at
Sun Sep 2 01:27:58 EDT 2012

On 09/01/2012 09:15 PM, Ramchandra Apte wrote:
> It converts to *pure* C/C++ *without* using Python or its API so that it can be the same speed as C/C++

Sounds like a fun project for you.  I hope you learn a lot doing it.
That's reason enough for it.  Do you plan to port all the standard
python modules as well, though?  Because Python modules, both in the
standard library and third-party, are the main reasons that I use
python.  For example, PyGTK.  Python is a great glue language.  Since it
can seamlessly interact with C and be extended in C, speed has never
really been an issue for me.

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