Preventing crap email from google?

Jorgen Grahn grahn+nntp at
Sat Oct 20 04:52:47 EDT 2012

On Sat, 2012-10-20, Michael Torrie wrote:
> On 10/19/2012 06:43 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>> Good morning/afternoon/evening all,
>> Is there any possibility that we could find a way to prevent the double 
>> spaced rubbish that comes from G$ infiltrating this ng/ml?  For example, 
>> does Python have anybody who works for G$ who could pull a few strings, 
>> preferably a Dutch national who has named a quite well known programming 
>> language after a humorous BBC television programme?
> I don't know what G$ is, but from your subject, I assume you are
> complaining about posts from gmail users, of which I am one.  However my
> messages have never been double-spaced.  And I haven't noticed any
> recently either.  I just checked and the last dozen or so posts from
> gmail accounts don't appear to have any problems.

He's probably talking about Google Groups and its "integration" with
Usenet. (I'm seeing this as the comp.lang.python newsgroup, via a real
news reader and a real Usenet provider.  I am vaguely aware that it's
also a mailing list.)

Google Groups has a long history of creating broken Usenet postings in
new and exciting ways.  It's at least as bad as MS Outlook Express and
AOL were in Usenet's past.

Your own posting (or mail) is almost flawless: correct quoting, and a
properly formatted response.  But you seem to be using gmail and the
mailing list interface; that's not the technology he's complaining


  // Jorgen Grahn <grahn@  Oo  o.   .     .
\X/>   O  o   .

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