Aggressive language on python-list

Dwight Hutto dwightdhutto at
Thu Oct 18 00:02:37 EDT 2012

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:47 PM, wu wei <wuwei23 at> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Dwight Hutto <dwightdhutto at>
> wrote:
>> It's intended to be involved, witty, and as informed as I can be
> You fail on every level here.

According to your opinion.
>> No, I'm fine a s a monk until recently, when medical, and faith issues
>> arose, and for your information, I've been laid quite a few times, and
>> won't have a problem doing so again.
> Yeah, you're full of confidence in yourself, you're not defensive at all.

Confidence is a defence against individuals who want to cherry pick,
and bring you down with propaganda that lacks anymore than a textbook some innovation please.

>> I've been out here 6-7 years getting my life together without chasing
>> pussy.
> When you use terms like "chasing pussy", that's probably a good indication
> of why it's been 7 years since you last had any satisfying interaction with
> a woman.

That was a character flaw i had..."doc". I had to rid an addiction to
saving women who were in bad situations, and clarify my mind as to who
I want as a prime mate.

>> Not self righteous, again wrong. I've been the bad guy, and now I have
>> to watch out for them, which seems self righteous, but it's merely the
>> fact that I have to have a good public persona now.
> But you _don't_ have a good public persona. You come across as someone
> desperately trying to convince people that you're smarter and better than
> you are.

Again, just your opinion of a few threads. When insulted, you either
insult back, or ascert your intelligence. I took the higher ground.
>> Go get to know a real few arrogant individuals, with superiority
>> complexes before you comment.
> I have. I'm speaking from direct experience here, and you demonstrate a lot
> in common with such people.

You lack serious perspective n this subject, so stop trying to say I'm arrogant.

>> If anything, I have an inferiority complex that comes out when I'm
>> downed by someone.
> Then don't react the way you do, because it doesn't do you any favours.
>> It's been that way in my socioeconomic upbringing I'm trying to
>> overcome, so you're preaching to the choir.
> Oh boo hoo, you've had pain in your life, you're surely the only person on
> the planet.

I give myself the same fucking thought everytime I have to feel
symptoms which I',m trying to afford the cost to diagnose , and fix.

So cry me a fucking river, and boohoo about my vulgar language.
>> Doubt it. After 6-7 years of leaving sluts, and whores alone, I've
>> realized I need to be secure emotionally, physically, financially, and
>> spiritually.
> You don't see the hypocrisy in claiming you're after _spiritual_ and
> _emotional_ security and calling women "sluts and whores"?
You should have met them. They may have become more, but that's who I
was trying to save from other bad relationships. Use the little
psychology you understand, and you'll see I was trying to save my

> You're going to die alone with that attitude.
>> Go insult a troll, because I like to fish off the top of the bridge.
> Things like this really aren't as witty as you think.

Your ego couldn't take the insult, could it?

>> Well above trash such as yourself who like to bring people down for
>> fun due to their own superiority complexes.
> No, I just like highlighting the huge discrepancies between what people
> think & say they are and how they behave, especially when that person is a
> hugely disruptive asshole who thinks the incomprehensible crap they write
> assists people in learning Python.

Provide some references please, instead of a blanketed insult.

> You're in serious need of self-reflection at a level I'm not convinced
> you're capable of.

You should hear some thought projection I have about my own past behaviour then.

 Maybe you should start another crybaby thread on the

You mean a request for social critique that improves myself, then I'll
throw a temper tantrum. Maybe you wanna come watch, or maybe you have
the balls to participate(but that would be just my old behaviour).

> Python list to find out whether everyone else agrees. Or hell, you're the
> CEO of your company, I'm sure you have dozens if not hundreds of employees
> you can lean on for moral support, right?
Just started, so I'm a startup, and you just insulted the majority of
the list with good dreams of being a productive citizen of society.

Best Regards,
David Hutto

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