Script for finding words of any size that do NOT contain vowels with acute diacritic marks?

Dave Angel d at
Wed Oct 17 11:00:11 EDT 2012

On 10/17/2012 10:31 AM, nwaits wrote:
> I'm very impressed with python's wordlist script for plain text.  Is there a script for finding words that do NOT have certain diacritic marks, like acute or grave accents (utf-8), over the vowels?  
> Thank you.

if you can construct a list of "illegal" characters, then you can simply
check each character of the word against the list, and if it succeeds
for all of the characters, it's a winner.

If that's not fast enough, you can build a translation table from the
list of illegal characters, and use translate on each word.  Then it
becomes a question of checking if the translated word is all zeroes.  
More setup time, but much faster looping for each word.



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