__setitem__ without position

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Thu Oct 11 17:32:21 EDT 2012

On 10/11/2012 04:48 PM, Kevin Anthony wrote:
> I have a class that contains a list of items
> I can set items using __setitem__ but if i want to set the while list, i
> changes the variable from a myclass to a list.  How can i accomblish this
> Example
>>>> C = myclass()
>>>> C[0] = 57
>>>> type(C)
> myclass
>>>> C = [57,58,59,60]
This creates a list, and binds the name that used to refer to the
myclass to now refer to the list.  The myclass object will go away,
since there are no more refs to it.

>>>> type(C)
> list
Why is that a surprise?

As for how to add multiple items to the existing mylist, how about:

for index, item in enumerate([57, 50, 59, 60]) :
    C[index] = item

Alternatively, you could call one of the other methods in the class. 
But since you gave us no clues, I'm shouldn't guess what it was called. 
But if I were to make such a class, I might use slicing:
    C[:] = [57, 50, 59, 60]

BTW, your naming capitalization is backwards.  Class names should begin
with a capital,  Myclass.  Instances should begin with lowercase -



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