How to create a login screen using core python language without using any framework

shivakrshn49 at shivakrshn49 at
Fri Oct 5 04:03:56 EDT 2012

I need to develop a simple login page using Python language with two fields and a button, like:

    Username, Password, Login

I know there are some beautiful Python frameworks like

    Django, Grok, WebPy, TurboGears

which support web development using Python, but mine is a basic requirement consisting of only 3 screens (pages): 

* 1st page  -  Login page (Redirects to 2nd page when login button is clicked) 
* 2nd page  -  Page with records in the form of a list, with an option for adding new records (Redirects to 3rd page when "Add Records" button is clicked)
* 3rd page  -  Page with fields, which are saved as records for the list on 2nd page  (After entering details and clicking Submit)

So, I have decided to develop the above functionality using Python **without** using any framework, so that I can have flexibility as well as write my own code. 

1. Is it possible to create a login page using Python without using a framework?

2. I haven't worked on web services and don't know the basics of web development in Python.

3. If possible, can you provide me an example on how to create a login page using Python and achieve the functionality described above?

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