Convert tuples into string

Tim Chase python.list at
Sun Nov 25 22:26:48 EST 2012

On 11/25/12 20:24, Smaran Harihar wrote:
> I was able to solve it using the following loop,
> conn=psycopg2.connect(connstr)
> cursor=conn.cursor()
> cursor.execute("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables where tablename like '%"+
> inp +"%'")
>  records = cursor.fetchall()
> str=""
> for rec in records:
>  if str == "":
> str="".join(rec)
> else:
>  m="".join(rec)
> str=str+","+m

Sounds like you want the first element of the tuple which you can
access either as "row[0]" or by unpacking the tuple into a
one-element tuple.  The first would look something like

  s = ",".join(rec[0] for rec in cursor.fetchall())

while the second would look something like

  s = ",".join(tablename for (tablename,) in cursor.fetchall())

Note that I'm directly building the string with .join rather than
appending (the growth of which has bad performance in Python).


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