Binding first parameter of method to constant value

Johannes Bauer dfnsonfsduifb at
Fri May 18 08:14:33 EDT 2012

Hi group,

I'm trying to dynamically add methods to a class at runtime. What I
would like to do is have them all delegated to one common function which
is called with the name of the function as first parameter. I.e.:

class Foo():
  def __init__(self):
    # Some magic missing here
    setattr(self, "foometh", types.MethodType(self._dispatcher, self))
    setattr(self, "barmeth", types.MethodType(self._dispatcher, self))

  def _dispatcher(self, caller, *args):
    # Dispatcher called with caller == "foometh"
    # or caller == "barmeth", depending on which one was called

with the effect that

f = Foo()
f.foometh(1, 2, 3)
# -> this should be equivaent to  Foo._dispatcher(f, "foometh", 1, 2, 3)

# -> this should be equivaent to  Foo._dispatcher(f, "barmeth")

I'm kind of stuck. Can you please give me hints?

Best regards,

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